I do want to say unequivocally that the trek was hands down one of the best experiences in my entire life. Everything about it - the physical challenge, the environment, the scenery, the people - combined to make it such a memorable, special experience. If you are an able-bodied individual with a sense of adventure, I recommend you make it your beeswax to get to Nepal and do some trekking.
Right now we are in Pokhara, which, as a result of its stunning Himalayan views, is essentially Nepal's premier tourist haven. Having just spent two weeks looking close up at these very mountains, Pokhara isn't that impressive to me. But we have a warm shower and a clean toilet, which is far more than I can say for the trek. There are also some great used bookstores here. Yesterday I picked up a copy of Jurassic Park, which I am very excited to read. We have two more days here to relax and catch up on everything. Then we take a bus/train combo into India, to the hectic but holy city of Varanasi.
I also realized that I never wrote about my last few days in the Kathmandu Valley. At this point, I think it's a bit too late to go into my normal level of detail, so I'm afraid our failed mountain bike trip and our quite successful hikes to Changu Narayan Temple and through the villages of Kirpitur and Chobar will disappear into the travel ether. I did, however, get a chance to write a little about the Hindu festival of Diwali before we left for the trek. I just never got a chance to post it. Please scroll down to check out this short post.
I also wanted to mention that before we left Mimi uploaded a ton of great photos from Kathmandu. If you go to mimishang.blogspot.com you will find some of them. You will find even more on her facebook page. Here is the link.
So, please stayed tune for some posts in the coming days. We took over 800 photos while on the trek and we've picked out a bunch of the best ones. Now all I have to do is get them uploaded using the constantly questionable Nepali internet and write about all the stuff we did. Coming soon!
In the mean time, here is a teaser photo. Dang!

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